What is a Historic District?

Historic Districts are areas that exemplify a significant concentration of historic resources united by a time period and design.

That means your property has been identified as an integral part of a unique and important asset to the history of Allentown and one that is worth preserving. Accordingly, all three of Allentown's historic districts including, Old Fairgrounds, Old Allentown, and West Park, are protected by the City through a historic district ordinance. Need help finding your property?

Use the link below to find out which historic district you are in: https://allentownpa.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html

What do I need to know as a property owner?

Owning a property in a historic district is an exciting and worthwhile endeavor. However, historic properties have unique challenges including conducting appropriate maintenance, incorporating period appropriate design, and selecting sustainable materials. The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) has been established for the purpose of reviewing exterior alterations for exactly that reason. What that means is that anytime you are making a change to the exterior of your building an application will need to be submitted to the HARB to avoid fines in excess of $300. A dedicated staff person will guide you through the application process and the HARB will help you make historically appropriate changes to your property.

More information regarding HARB, including what types of changes require review and what the process is like can be found on the City website: www.allentownpa.gov/Planning-and-Zoning/Historic-Preservation/HARB

Are there resources available to me as an owner of a historic building?

Yes! There are number of resources that could be available to you through Non-profits, the City of Allentown, the State of Pennsylvania, and the Federal Government. Please visit the City of Allentown Historic Preservation webpage for more information: https://www.allentownpa.gov/Planning-and-Zoning/Historic-Preservation

Whom can I contact with questions or for more information?

The Bureau of Planning and Zoning has staff available to help you. Talking to us will likely save you both time and money.

Phone: 610-437-7613 ext. 2865

Email: historic@allentownpa.gov